
jeff-vierstra avatar image
jeff-vierstra asked

DBus Generator StatusCode definitions

I am coding up a new generator controller (MEBAY -- a cheaper DSE alternative) for the "dbus-modus-client" service. There is a path "/StatusCode" which according to the Dbus paths ( is:

0=Standby; 1..7=Startup; 8=Running; 9=Stopping; 10=Error

What do the codes 1-7 specific in the startup sequence? I can't seem to find this documented anywhere.

Here is the GitHub repo and relevant file:


GeneratorModbus TCP
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1 Answer
Philipp Trenz avatar image
Philipp Trenz answered ·

Hi @Jeff Vierstra, great project!

This is still from the first generator integration, but we do not distinguish internally between different startup states. You can simply use 1 and ignore the others.

Please keep me posted if you like.

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