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rgroothuis asked

Converter and charger for LifePO4 battery, smallest device

I'm upgrading my boat to LifePO4 batteries and need a new charger, because of this I thought lets add a converter so that I've 220V during my boat/sailing trips. The amount of space I've is not that big so I'm searching for the smallest Victron converter/charger currently available. Any suggestions?

Because the coffee machine needs to work, 1600W to 2000W continue is a must!

There are so many Victron models, (similar) names on the web-site it is difficult to understand what is what, hence the question for support. I had the "Victron MultiPlus 12/2000/80" device in mind, not sure if this is a good one from a size point of view, or if there are smaller devices.

Looking forward to your suggestions.

chargerbattery connection
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