
gerdverreycken avatar image
gerdverreycken asked

Node-Red stops working on local access point when i go off-grid (no internet)

In a campervan i provided an accespoint for some mqtt controlled smartplugs/temperature sensors/buttons etc... I run Node-Red with dashboard for controlling/automating stuff. All works fine when at home and the wifi AP has internet trough a stationary AP from my house. But all node-red fuctionality stops and also accessing all local adresses become super slow and to the point of unusable when i leave my house. (venus.local & venus.local:1881/ui). Also MQTT communication stops completely. I understand VRM functionality stops but all other functions should not need any internet connections for the local communication. When scanning my wifi clients on the road all are there. Also tasmota devices/wled controllers can be controlled fine on the web pages they provide locally. Only the node-red part of thge venus device stops working. The venus-OS menu's still respond very well when controlling by mouse directly in the raspberry pi on a hdmi screen.

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1 Answer
nickdb avatar image
nickdb answered ·

Have you tried using the IP address instead of the .local address?

Some routers have issues with name resolution when internet is lost.

Also, are you sending a proper keepalive for MQTT? With VRM active this does it automatically, when VRM access goes then so does its keepalive, and if you aren't sending one you won't be able to query much.

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Ok, 1.) I switched from fixed ip adresses to name resolution to avoid other problems like to keep it that way but if needed i will try fixed adresses again 2.) I am using tasmota switch and trasmota sensor blocks in node-red for mqtt i/o. Not sure what the keepalive function is never heard of it so i need some advice in the steps i need to take. By the way using the standard mqtt nodes i cant seem to get it working.

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nickdb avatar image nickdb ♦♦ gerdverreycken commented ·

You don't need to change to a fixed IP just yet. Check which address it has, then instead of using .local, browse to the DHCP IP instead. If that works, then you can consider changing.

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