
jose-1973-mr avatar image
jose-1973-mr asked

EV charger problem


I bought a Victron EV charger and when I connected it to the single-phase power the screen keeps turning on and off as seen in the video.

Is it possible that it came defective? Or is there something I'm doing wrong?

ev charger
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1 Answer
Lucian Popescu (Victron Energy Staff) avatar image
Lucian Popescu (Victron Energy Staff) answered ·

hi, please check my answer on the link above, it's the same issue
If you need my help, please contact me!

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Hola Lucian, creo que no es el mismo problema. Me sale un mensaje de "Cargando" y la pantalla se apaga y se enciende.

¿Es un problema de pantalla?

¿Debería funcionar el cargador? Es decir, ¿debería poder conectarme al Cerbo?

Todavía no he conseguido conectarme al Cerbo y el cargador no funciona.


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