
Detlef Weidlich avatar image
Detlef Weidlich asked

Pylontech are not displayed in the Display-list

My System: 4x Solar panels - Easysolar 48/3000 v3.33 - 2x Pylontech US2000C

for basic consumption day and night max 800W and excess feed into the grid.

The pylons are connected to EasySolar with an A cable.

The voltage 53,2V and current 10A are set.

On I have found with good informations.

Under 3. Can-bus Wiring Connctions I read `If your GX-device has a BMS-Can Port, this should be used´ ? ! ?

When the pylons were connected to the BMS-Can Port left on the EasySolar (with Terminater), they continued to charge and had over 59V without any error messages.

Now these are connected to the rear CAN bus (on 500 kbit/s) (in the middle of Easysolar (with Terminater) 

But the pylons are not displayed in the device list.

What can I do ?

2 |3000

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1 Answer
Detlef Weidlich avatar image
Detlef Weidlich answered ·

Its OK, after reinstalling Venus V3.33 and the settings shown above, the Pylontech are displayed. It works!

2 |3000

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