
mfred68 avatar image
mfred68 asked

Disabling the charger with pv inverter

  • I have a multiplus ii in ess mode and today out of the blue it decided to charge my batteries from the grid and 4kw, even though solar was productive and soc was 40% , to top it all, I could not find a way to stop the grid charging, had I not turned the grid breaker off, it would have just kept charging until full. What could have caused this problem?

So I went into the ve configure and am tempted to disable the multiplus charger, but if I do, will this also stop my pv inverter ( connected to ac1 out) from charging my batteries?

Please help asap thanks.

ac charging
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1 Answer
Alexandra avatar image
Alexandra answered ·


Yes, if you disable the internal charger it will disable the AC PV charging as well.

Do you have optimised with battery life on?

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mfred68 avatar image mfred68 commented ·

I have optimised with battery life off, it's always been that way, yet yesterday it decided to charge at 4kw from the grid. Why would it suddenly do this? It's been working perfectly in ess mode until yesterday and I did not change any settings.

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