
Fideri avatar image
Fideri asked

VRM custom widget for GX temperature empty

Hi everyone,

Because of Bluetooth issues probably linked to the Cerbo getting hot, I have set up a custom widget to monitor the Cerbo's internal temperature (and ordered an external dongle). But the widget always displays "No data..." as can be seen below.




I also set up the"Total forecasted solar yield" custom widget as a test. Strangely, it worked as expected initially but has since been displaying "No data...".

What am I doing wrong?

widget vrm
cerbo-temp.png (55.3 KiB)
cerbo-cw-paras.png (105.4 KiB)
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Alex Pescaru avatar image Alex Pescaru commented ·

Hi @Fideri

Indeed, you are right, no temperature info sent from Cerbo.

Also, the temperatures for each charger / inverter would be nice, as many of them have these temperature monitoring information. I know for sure Multi RS and SmartSolar MPPT range have it.

But first they must add that information on DBus, as you can't find it there either.

Imagine how many automations for cooling can be made to improve the reliability of the systems with those informations.......


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1 Answer
pwfarnell avatar image
pwfarnell answered ·

Early September 2022 V2.90 updated to include reporting the Cerbo internal temperature to VRM and it could be charted, I had the advanced widget. However, it did not work as planned and generated problems, bloated the downloaded data files and slowed down VRM so it was pulled in V2.91 a couple of weeks later. I think it was reporting too frequently rather than at the preset time interval. It has not been added back since.

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Alex Pescaru avatar image Alex Pescaru commented ·

Strange, as in the script, for each value reported, there is a "whenToLog" key, which if you specify a certain interval or event, it will only log then....

But all this is based on the existence of a temperature key on dbus, which, at this moment, it isn't....

So the problem lies, probably, deeper into the OS.

Anyway, for automation, at least you can read those temperatures locally from the CAN bus.

See here:

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