
allan-fraser avatar image
allan-fraser asked

Disabling charging on a SmartSolar MPPT controller while solar panels are working.

I am using VictronConnect v5.11.

If I go into Settings > Battery for my SmartSolar MPPT controller (100/30) and switch off Charger Enabled I get the warning message โ€œCharger will be disabled and battery will stop charging. This is intended for maintenance purposes only.โ€

Is it detrimental to have the solar panels connected (in full sun) but charging disabled and, if so, (a) what problem(s) will arise if I do this and (b) is there a safe time period before the problem(s) will arise?

Thank you.

MPPT Controllers
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2 Answers
JohnC avatar image
JohnC answered ยท

Hi Allan. There should be no issues, short or long term, doing that. It may actually be 'smoother' doing it that way than just cracking open a batt breaker. (do that anyway if you're working on the batts).

The unharvested panel power will just be reflected back out into the 'ether', as it would be if your batts were full in any non-export setup.

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allan-fraser avatar image
allan-fraser answered ยท

Thanks John.

That also answers my follow up question which was "when the controller gets to Float stage, where does all of the solar power go?". (The controller doesn't get hot so I knew the power wasn't being dissipated by using the controller as a heat sink.)

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JohnC avatar image JohnC โ™ฆ commented ยท

I should add that it's typical good practice to shut off the solar input before the batts. Maybe the 'remote' shutdown does that inherently? Dunno, but isn't a real issue anyway..

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