
rivemma avatar image
rivemma asked

I have no SOC reading

Recently a friend who was house-sitting for us, unwittingly pressed all 4 button on the BMV battery monitor. Setup, Select, and the + and - buttons. Now we have no numbers showing for our State of Charge just - - -. We do have a voltage and 'I' current reading. Can you help and show us how to restore the SOC. Many thanks

BMV Battery Monitor
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1 Answer
Jaco Reinecke avatar image
Jaco Reinecke answered ·

On the BMV itself:
- Press SETUP for two seconds to access these functions and use the + and – buttons to browse them.
- Press SELECT to access 1 - Battery Capacity
- Use SELECT and the + and – buttons to customize. A short beep confirms the setting.
- Press SETUP at any time to return to the scrolling text, and press again to return to normal mode.

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