
kissjoe avatar image
kissjoe asked

Mppt bluesolar 150/100 -tr battery preset random changes to rotary switch

  1. Gents,

My second hand mppt has a very annoying issue. Whenever i set my battery setting to user defined one. It changes back after some time- randomly to rotary preset. Here the bulk voltage is much higher than i prefer for my battery pack- thus my BMS gives an error message during charging.

I am wondering the mppt is faulty- any hint here? I tried reset / disconnect reconnect everything - no remedy yet. FW is the latest…

MPPT Controllers
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Probably best to take it in for service. If it's less than 5 years old, it's still under warranty. The first 4 numbers after the HQ give year and week of manufacture.

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@kissjoe Plz check that the rotary switch is seated (clicked) onto the preset, and not halfway between presets.

Halfway caused problem a few years ago for a contributor.

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kissjoe avatar image kissjoe klim8skeptic ♦ commented ·

Sits properly- thanks for the hint

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