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offshore asked

Quattro 8000 ignore AC1 input via "additional Input"

Hello Victron Community,

on a boat i have two Quattro 8000VA in parallel single phase & a Cerbo GX. Connected to AC1 Input is a Generator, both Quattros are programmed to use 29A from the Generator.

From a hydraulic system I get a +24VDC Signal, when the Inverter has to “ignore” the AC1 Input, so that no energy is used from the Generator, How can I realize this function?

In VE Configure 3 Software I found the function “additional Input 1" set Input current limit for AC1

  • >2V Input = set Input current limit for AC to 29A,
  • <2V Input = set Input current limit for AC to 0A.

Do you think this configuration can work? Where are the “Additional Input 1” terminals on the Quattro? (in the manual they are not described)

Can I use a relay to close the contacts between both terminals for <2V and open the relay for >2V?

Is this is also working when both quattros are in parallel?

Is there a better way to say to both Inverters to ignore AC1 Input? Maybe via the Cerbo GX?

Many many thanks in advance,


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4 Answers
nickdb avatar image
nickdb answered ·

You can use the inverter soft switch on the GX and change it to "inverter only" instead of "on".

It will disconnect and run off batteries until changed back.

There is also a relay assistant you could configure to do this for you, but flicking the switch via the GX is just really easy.

Like so (under the quattro entry on the GX, just change the On):



Can also be done via VRM if you enable inverter control under settings.

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offshore avatar image offshore commented ·
Hi nickdb,

thanks for your answer, to switch between Inverter Only an ON is exactly what we are doing until now. Its working but the problem is, that sometimes someon forgets to go to Inverter only mode and then when we are using the hydraulik pump on the generator, we overload the Generator.

Thats why i would like to have a solution, where the +24V signal comming from the hydraulic system are used to ignore the Generator input, or is used to switch the Quattro to Inverter Only/ ON

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nickdb avatar image nickdb ♦♦ offshore commented ·
You could fit an energy meter between the pump and the generator, with some fairly straightforward node-red logic you can have it automatically switch states based on the generator load read by the meter.
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Kevin Windrem avatar image
Kevin Windrem answered ·

Is the issue that the hydraulic pump has a current surge when it starts, and is that what is overloading the generator?

If so, you might be able to make this work without rejecting the AC input by enabling dynamic current limit. With this on, the current drawn from the AC input will increase slowly up to the preset current limit. The inverter assists to make up for insufficient generator power. For example, assume the load on the Quattro output is currently 5 amps and the generator is supplying all of that. If there is a sudden increase in load to 15 amps, the inverter will initially supply 10 amps and get 5 from the generator. Over time, more current is drawn from the generator and less from the inverter. Eventually all 15 amps are supplied by the generator. That assumes the input current limit is greater than 15 amps. If the current limit is say 12 amps, then eventually 12 amps will be drawn from the generator and 3 amps from the inverter.

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offshore avatar image offshore commented ·
Hi Kevin Windrem,

thanks for you help. Attached to the Generator is mechanically a hydraulic Pump with a PTO, if this Pump is running, it takes 23kW from the 25kW Generator, its working fine, but at the same time i cannot take also AC load from the Generator. So its not an electric Pump, its a Pump connected to the diesel motor mechanically.

Thats why i search for a solution, to switch with a +24V signal the Inverter to Inverter only mode, or to say to both quattros to ignore AC1 Generator Input.

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Robert avatar image
Robert answered ·

Hello, why you don't use a normal Contactor to switch off the AC 1 IN?

The Contactor is N/C and when it's get the 24V signal the Contactor opens.

Cheap and easy...

Best regards Robert

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offshore avatar image offshore commented ·

Hi Robert,

thanks for your answer. The Contactor would be not so cheap, because he has to handle 80A, but the cost are not the problem- i dont know if the Generator has a problem when he is running nearly at full load, delivering +20kW and then the contactor opens and immediately the Generator runs without a load?

I also dont whant to install new Hardware, because all wires have completely the same lenght from the Generator fuse to both Quattros so both Inverters are well "balanced".

It is somehow a easy software configuration, but i dont know how.

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Robert avatar image
Robert answered ·

Hello, what you mean with 80A?

You charge with 230V @ 80A AC

Or what AC Voltage you run or charge your Quattro?

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Related Resources

Quattro II Product page

Quattro II Online Manual

Pre-RMA bench test instructions.

Additional resources still need to be added for this topic