
eberle avatar image
eberle asked

Dynamic ESS negative price -> Multis stopps feeding grid, but Fronius still feeding

When negative prices happens, the MPPT's stopps feeding the grid. That's great. But the Fronius on the Multi Output still feeding the grid. How can I easily eliminate that?

dynamic ess
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2 Answers
davefromnl avatar image
davefromnl answered ·

Did you connect the Fronius to your Cerbo with ModBus? That is the only way the Fronius knows to ramp down its output when AC-in is connected the the grid.

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eberle avatar image
eberle answered ·

Hi @DavefromNL, thanks for your answer.

The Fronius is connected to the Cerbo by LAN and also visible on the remote control.

What else do I have to set so that the Cerbo regulates the Fronius to zero?

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