
jf1976 avatar image
jf1976 asked

reversed polarity ac out

hello there, im planning to acquire a Multiplus II 48/5000 to use it as a alternative source for some loads in my household when the grid is off - connected to set of batteries - without solar panels at the moment. one of the important load is the gas stove - modern gas stoves need nowadays a fixed polarity to work - does anyone know, if the multiplus im willing to buy offers the fixed polarity at the ac out (does not reverse the polarity at the ac out)- the one that delivers the power when grid is off?? apparently, not every inverter charger available on the market, can offer it - i want to be sure, Multi II does.

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2 Answers
thesmok avatar image
thesmok answered ·

I think what you mean is a grounded Neutral line. The gas equipment needs a grounded Neutral for the flame sensor to work properly.

The Multiplus has a ground relay that connects the AC Out N to Ground while in Inverter mode, so your gas stove would continue to work. The only requirement is that you should connect the PE wire to the Multi.

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jf1976 avatar image
jf1976 answered ·

thanx a lot!

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