
daniel-feist avatar image
daniel-feist asked

VE.Bus DC Voltage suddenly fluctuating even without load.

Had system installed for 9mths running perfectly but all of a sudden VE.Bus voltage is unstable, even under no load. I currently have it "charger-only" because I get constant alarms and shutdowns if inverter operates.

I've read other posts about this which talk about DC ripple and I plan to check all the connections, but what is weird is that there have been no issues for 9mths whatsoever and that this is occuring under no load.

I did a firmware update yesterday, which involved restarting everything and reapplying configuration and interestingly this did resolve the issue for a while. But later the same day, after a 25min DESS discharge at 210A, it reoccured.

Any thoughts or idea?


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1 Answer
nickdb avatar image
nickdb answered ·

Connections can fail over time due to constant cycling. I have found poor connections many months after they were originally made as the failure eventually cascades into a real problem, but prior to that it all appeared fine.

Start with the basics.

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daniel-feist avatar image daniel-feist commented ·
Will do. Given the low voltage alarm was only showing on L1, does this imply that there is an issue between busbar and L1 Multiplus? Or does the low voltage alarm on L1 represent the shared VE.bus voltage somehow and the issue could be anywhere?
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nickdb avatar image nickdb ♦♦ daniel-feist commented ·
Is your system 3-phase?

If this fluctuation is unique to one phase, then it is a safe assumption that the issue is localised there.

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daniel-feist avatar image daniel-feist nickdb ♦♦ commented ·

Yes, 3-phase. The low-voltage alarm is overwhelming occuring on L1 according to the advanced page, however the VE.Bus DC voltage fluctuations (pasted above) as well as the DC ripple alarms (bottom below) are not phase-specific. My assumption based on this is focus on busbus->L1 inverter first, then reaccess.


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