
josmeijer avatar image
josmeijer asked

Funny spike in energy price at night


I have this funny spike in pricing between 22:00 and 7:30 though switched to dynamic. It funny enough is equal to the peak-price period I set when the contract type was "Fixed".

So I suspect some data resides in the table from the old settings.

It is rather inconvenient, as it makes the graph very hard to read, (but that is a minor inconvenience compared to the scenario in which ESS decides to empty my batteries every night in the illusion of making me rich :-)

dynamic ess
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1 Answer
josmeijer avatar image
josmeijer answered ·

In my attempt to fix this myself I changed the contract back to "Fixed" to find out I made a typo and set a value of € 27,- (instead of 0,27) for night. So I changed it to € 0,- and set it back to "dynamic".

now the energy price shifts to zero between 22:00 and 7:30.

I think this more or less proves there is some correction wanted @Dirk-Jan Faber (Victron Energy)

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