
delt127 avatar image
delt127 asked

Why is BMV-712 Estimating "Time Remaining" So Short?

I am using the VictronConnect app (Android) to connect with my BMV-712. The app show 265W of usage (consistent over the last hour), but the "Time Remaining" is estimated at only 4.5 hours. The battery is 24V and 233AH with a current state of charge of 80%.

The estimated time remaining seems VERY low. Any ideas?

BMV Battery Monitor
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2 Answers
Mark avatar image
Mark answered ·

The BMV estimates 'time to go' in relation to the discharge floor SOC%. This parameter is actually in the relay settings and has a dual purpose.

So if this is set at 50% SOC and you are already at 80%, then it's only calculating time to go over 30% battery capacity.

The discharge current will also have an effect, if it's higher than the C20 discharge current for your battery bank then the battery will provide less than the C20 rated capacity and the BMV will estimate a shorter time to go accordingly.

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edgargw22 avatar image edgargw22 commented ·

Both of my values are currently set to 20%. Please explain "relay handling" if I set mine to 50% and 90% as in your example. TIA.

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Mark avatar image Mark ♦♦ edgargw22 commented ·

As you may know, the BMV has an inbuilt relay that can be used to control an external device or alarm.

But even if you are not using this functionality it refers to the relay 'Set Value' and uses this as the 'Discharge Floor' SOC% - when calculating 'time to go'.

So just configure the 'Set Value' to whatever SOC% you want the BMV to consider as 0 time to go. Then all 'time to go' calculations will be based around this.

Also check that you have entered the correct 'battery capacity' for your battery bank. Remember that with multiple batteries wired in parallel the capacity is acumulative, but for batteries wired in series the capacity remains as the capacity of a single battery.

The other thing to check is the 'averaging period' - set this as desired depending on the desired response, somewhere between 2 and 5 minutes is normally good.

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Phil Gavin avatar image
Phil Gavin answered ·

Sounds about right if you've set your max DOD to 60% ish.

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