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pfuhu asked

Dynamic ESS and seperate EV charger

Question: I have DESS enabled and seems working fine.

Soon I will get an EV and still need to have a EV charger installed (done at cost of my work, so I cannot choose brand, will not be a Victron EVCS)

I want to charge my vehicle (manually) when electricity is cheap, but I'm not sure how I should have the charger installed. I have 2 options:

- install the charger before the separate grid meter connected to the GX: this way, the DESS will not be confused with the high loads of the EV (I don't want the DESS to think I will use 50kWh every day). Also, I could risk to drain the battery if the DESS wants to compensate the high load of the EV charger. (Perfect circumstance would be that in this case the DESS lets the car charge without draining the battery)

- install the charger after the separate grid meter, but that way, the DESS will not know what is normal power usage and what power usage is specially planned to charge the car.

Isn't it possible to install it after the grid meter and add an extra EM24 for the car charger only (so the DESS sees perfectly what is going to the car and ignore this in the planning). Would be great if it could be selected to be ignored in the planning.

Am I worried for nothing? Are people here already using this? What setup? Data available how this works?

dynamic essev charger
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