
davidb avatar image
davidb asked

Using a Macbook to program a multiplus

Is there specific software tools for mac OS as i don't own a windows computor?

VEConfigure 3macOS
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Ron Izzard avatar image Ron Izzard commented ·

I have a 13inch 2019 MacBook Pro running Sonoma v14.5 and Bootcamp running Windows 10. I have no issues at all using VE configure etc when booting into Windows.
I know Bootcamp is no longer supported but so far I have had no issues :)

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3 Answers
Guy Stewart (Victron Community Manager) avatar image
Guy Stewart (Victron Community Manager) answered ·

Have a look at these options here

I have personally used parallels and VMware, they both work without issues.

Work is also underway for a native solution and a public beta will be available shortly.

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cptjack avatar image cptjack commented ·

could you kindly you specify the term "shortly"?

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Guy Stewart (Victron Community Manager) avatar image Guy Stewart (Victron Community Manager) ♦♦ cptjack commented ·

It is still not declared public beta ready. No date, just when it's ready.

Obviously we are super excited for it too, but this has some risks so it must be only used by those that understand them, and know what to look for to make sure it is behaving.

Are you in a position to experiment with software in testing?

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mblowes avatar image
mblowes answered ·

I've just set up a Multiplus and used wine. Have used parallels in the past.. but wine if far simpler.

If you've ever ventured into the Terminal program on your Mac you probably have enough skill. .

The only trick I found not listed was to set my wine to map the USB as COM2. Ezy peezy after that.!topic/victron-dev-venus/GSftlA5xj1Y

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sieade245 avatar image
sieade245 answered ·

Easy on parallels. Hardest part is waiting for windows to install. I used windows 7 64 bit installed from a usb stick. Don't need to use terminal and remap ports or anything, parallels does it for you.

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