
mgb2374 avatar image
mgb2374 asked

help with mounting

using SmartSolar MPPT 100-20 and i want to mount it to my Camper Frame with a few magnets in the back of the controller. Does anyone know if magnets will affect the controller?

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2 Answers
Alexandra avatar image
Alexandra answered ·


No, they won't affect the mppt function, but the magnets could likely denature die to heat so may not be the best move.

Also the heat sink is aluminium. Just interested to know what glue (if that is what you were going to use to attach to the mppt) would also handle the heat? Or did you have another method you were considering?

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Alex Pescaru avatar image Alex Pescaru commented ·

No glue. The MPPT has some lateral cuts where you can fix the magnets.

Here's below how I've attached some neodymium magnets to my Cerbo and then fixed it on the face of the Multi RS.

And each magnet has a adherence force of about 1.5Kg, so a total of 6Kg for a Cerbo. Almost the same as fixing it with screws....



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fixings.jpg (144.8 KiB)
klim8skeptic avatar image klim8skeptic ♦ Alex Pescaru commented ·

@Alex Pescaru Almost the same as fixing it with screws...

In a mobile install vibrations will allow the magnets slide down the mppt?

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Alex Pescaru avatar image Alex Pescaru klim8skeptic ♦ commented ·

Well, depends on the vibrations...

I suppose on an RV, on some Australia's corrugated roads, after several hours, maybe... :-))

Mine is a stationary install and never moved a millimeter.

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mgb2374 avatar image
mgb2374 answered ·

Thanks Alexandria, i mounted the controller to a piece of sheet metal and was going to put magnets behind that. but if you think there is any downside i will go another route

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