
Christoph Taschke avatar image
Christoph Taschke asked

DESS disappeared

I have been using dynamic ESS for almost a year and was happy with it.

4 days ago, the DESS settings disappeared from my menu and is no longer applied even though the toggle in the control panel is still green.

What happened?

I did not change anything!

dynamic ess
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6 Answers
Dirk-Jan Faber (Victron Energy) avatar image
Dirk-Jan Faber (Victron Energy) answered ·

I am quite sure that is related to a change we did to add support for the Multi RS and this is a side-effect of that.
Will take a more close look tomorrow, but what I see is that you are running your site with Venus GX version v3.11. I am almost certain that, if you update to the latest stable version (v3.33 on regular, v3.34 on the large image), the DESS menu will return.
Also note that between version v3.11 and v3.33 we did quite a lot of Dynamic ESS related fixes within the firmware. So also from that point of view it is advised to update.

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ralphie avatar image ralphie commented ·

OTA update to 3.33 fixed the issue! Do you recommend enabling auto-update?

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edwardvh avatar image
edwardvh answered ·

Hi, I see this behavior as well. I have a lot of trouble getting it all stable.

My setup is 2 JK BMSes with dbus-serialbattery, BatteryAggregator, A Smart Shunt, MP II 5k and SDM630 meter

Versions: all latest, VenusOS on Raspberry Pi 3.

When the inverter is just inverting it's all fine, I set my setpoint to -30W.

ESS configuration goes fine. When the ESS decides to pull or deliver from the network it goes fine for some time (this evening around 45 minutes).

After 45 minutes I get these messages:

Gateway Dynamic ESS error code: ESS functionality not available

The do not go away themselves, sometimes a reboot helps, mostly not.

Then I have to go into the MPII menu and switch it off and on.

Is there some debug I can perform to give insight in where this is going wrong?

I often see following message

cat /data/log/vedirect.ttyUSB2/current | tai64nlocal |less

2024-07-03 20:21:58.570116500 312.215 INF.VE.Text: H1=-169976

2024-07-03 20:21:58.570172500 312.406 ERR.serial: Ready for reading but read 0 bytes. Device removed?

2024-07-03 20:21:58.570176500 312.406 ERR.task: Exiting because serial error occured: Ready for reading but read 0 bytes. Device removed?

2024-07-03 20:21:58.570182500 312.406 INF.task: done in 312.406

VenusOS version 3.33 large

MPII version 510

Thanks for any pointer which can help.

Best regards, Edward

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ralphie avatar image
ralphie answered ·

I would like to second this! For the last month I regularly have the alarm 'No matching schedule available' on the VRM website. No menu for the DESS settings any more. Cerbo FW version 3.11. I can turn DESS on and off, but the system just uses the 'Grid point' setting. Please advise!

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Christoph Taschke avatar image
Christoph Taschke answered ·

Yes, this worked.


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Christoph Taschke avatar image
Christoph Taschke answered ·

Is there any reason not to enable auto updating?

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For most installations I suggest setting it to auto update to the latest official release. Only in exceptional cases it is better to stick to a certain version and not update.

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hans-fix avatar image
hans-fix answered ·

Yes, that worked also for me, apparently a backwards compatibility issue.

Is there a way to give a warning in the betavrm environment that an update is needed?



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That is a good suggestion. I'll see if we can add that.
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