
ertcom avatar image
ertcom asked

Multiplus-IIGX restarts every 2 minutes

Hi. Hoping for some remote support. Following a firmware upgrade to 2629_552 my GX restarts about every 2 minutes. The GX is running v3.33. It seems the inverter is working fine - there may be a problem with the GX board.

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7 Answers
ejrossouw avatar image
ejrossouw answered ·

@Ertcom Why did you update the firmware? First ensure you have uploaded the settings file after the update (all settings are reset to defaults), but I will suggest you roll back to the previous known working version you had which will require a dongle.

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ertcom avatar image
ertcom answered ·

The settings file was uploaded OK after the update. Looks like the last stable version was 508. I will try to roll back. I assume the GX device is OK to remain on the latest (3.33)?

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ertcom avatar image
ertcom answered ·

Rolled back to last know working version 508 - no change, GX reboots. Settings file reloaded with last known working version, GX reboots. Rolled back nanopi VenusOS version to 3.10 and still reboots. Looking like a hardware fault.

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ejrossouw avatar image ejrossouw commented ·
Rather peculiar. You have removed the MK3 if you used one? Could be a wiring issue or a bad cable. I am keen to know what changed. What else is connected to the system?
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JohnC avatar image
JohnC answered ·


The GXcan be deliberately set to reboot when VRM connection is lost. Check you don't have something crazy set there..


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ertcom avatar image
ertcom answered ·

No unfortunately. Also when it reboots the GX displays Hub-1 OFF.


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ertcom avatar image
ertcom answered ·

I disconnected Grid and ACOUT from the Multi to see if there was a wiring or grid fault causing the reboots. Even on battery the GX is rebooting - every time the unit reboots it sends a new alarm to VRM for loss of grid. I think there's a hardware problem.


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ertcom avatar image
ertcom answered ·

Looks like an alarm relay is triggering a fault condition causing the reboot. Does anyone know where the alarm relay is on a Multi-IIGX?


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