
dereck avatar image
dereck asked

Some devices show up on one controller and some on two?

I’ve got two victron devices. Both show up in the main list on the iPhone app, the ipad app, and my MacBook.

i can open both devices on the iPhone.

I can only open the battery monitor on the iPad.

I don’t want to do a reset to solve the iPad for fear then the iPhone won’t work.

Is there any other solution?

MPPT Controllers
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dereck avatar image dereck commented ·

Thanks for the additional ideas about what to check. Computer can’t connect either.

And turning off Bluetooth on both mobile devices does not solve it.

But im not sure what this means....

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What model iPhone, iPad and MacBook? And what version of the operating system are they each running?

The compatibility list is here:

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2 Answers
Guy Stewart (Victron Community Manager) avatar image
Guy Stewart (Victron Community Manager) answered ·

The most common reason I see when there are issues with multiple devices trying to connect like this, is that they are trying to connect to the same Victron product at the same time.

Only one device is able to connect to a Victron product at a time.

You didn't mention if there was any issue with your Macbook, or if it is able to connect to both? That might help to isolate where the issue is.

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dereck avatar image
dereck answered ·

Restarted the charge controller, updated the firmware and made sure only one Bluetooth item was on at a time. Still works fine on the phone but not on the computer or iPad.

Strangely the battery monitor works fine on all devices.

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Up to 8 attachments (including images) can be used with a maximum of 190.8 MiB each and 286.6 MiB total.