
pabou38 avatar image
pabou38 asked

Ground battery negative terminal


Victron's Wiring Unlimited manual shows that, for ESS, the battery negative terminal is grounded, ie connected to

  1. Mppt chassis
  2. Multiplus chassis
  3. home' ground wire (ie AC in)

Can someone explain the risk scenario this grounding covers ?

For me, ground Bat negative has also a lot of disadvantages. Eg if the bat positive lead touches anything that is grounded (eg the multi enclosure), a short occurs.

Thanks for your light

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2 Answers
Kevin Windrem avatar image
Kevin Windrem answered ·

In AC wiring, the neutral is bonded to the safety ground so that if a hot lead to chassis fault occurs, the breaker/fuse in the hot lead will trip/blow removing lethal voltages.

The same is true for the battery connections even thought voltages are less. 48 volts can under some circumstances result in lethal currents flowing. Lower battery voltage are less likely to result in lethal currents but it's still possible.

Generally, a battery system will be connected to a chassis at some point so it's a good idea to have the inverter chassis at the same potential and able to redirect fault currents.

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sean avatar image
sean answered ·

Could you post that schematic please ?

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Ground, earth and electrical safety

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