
frasergang avatar image
frasergang asked

camping set up smartsolar 100/20 setup

Hello I have 2 140amp Giant brand AGM batteries and 320watts of solar running through a smartsolar 100/20 mppt. I use about 70amps a day and most days have no trouble putting it back into the batteries via solar panels. In the setting of the Mppt under load output what would be the best setting to have this set on. I camp for 3wks at a time.

thanks for your help

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2 Answers
wkirby avatar image
wkirby answered ·

It's difficult to say really because the options are there to suit your circumstances.
If anything, I'd suggest setting it to "Battery Life". This will mean the Load Output is ON most of the time and only goes OFF when the SOC gets low.

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brad-australia avatar image
brad-australia answered ·

What are you running from the set up? Lights? Fridges?

Are you running these off the "Load" terminals?

How deep do you want to cycle the Batteries? Shallower the better for battery life.

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