
fenix avatar image
fenix asked

Battery-to-Battery Charger for my truck Camper


i am looking for a Victron Product that could handle the Charging of my batteries of my truck Camper went driving. I found this product Sterling Battery-to-Battery Charger | 12V In - 12V Out | 30 Amp Input but would like to stay with Victron ...for a better monitoring and integration with my system.

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3 Answers
Justin Cook avatar image
Justin Cook answered ·

@Fenix, if you want 4-stage intelligent charging with adjustable profiles and etc, you'll need to go with a Sterling for now, although there's certainly promise for a B2B charger from Victron later this year or in the first half of next year (depending on your location).

That being said, a few things: If you want to rig one, you could always use a DC to DC converter to bump up a leg off your start batt to 24v nominal, then run the output of that into the PV side of an MPPT, and use the MPPT as your batt to batt charger. It does work, though perhaps not the most elegant solution.

If you don't need the 4-stage intelligence but just want to charge (which, from what I can tell, it looks like your Trojans don't need anything particularly special in terms of charge profile), then I'd suggest either a Cyrix-ct battery combiner or an Argofet:

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fenix avatar image fenix commented ·

Tks for the information Mr. Justin Cook

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Michelle Konzack avatar image
Michelle Konzack answered ·

Why not use an Orion-Tr isolated DC-DC inverter for charging?

I am Off-the-Grid with 5 Windmills (7,4kWp) and one SmartSolar MPPT 150/70 Tr VE.Can charging 2940Ah @24V SOPzS Batteries...

...and from them, I charge my Electric Load Truck (24V) and an Electric Tractor (also 24V).

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timmermc avatar image
timmermc answered ·

Don't think we have to wait long fot the new Orion tr smart, I think it wiil be presented at the Amsterdam Marine fare halfway November

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