
oles avatar image
oles asked

Multiplus II 48/5000/70 can't charge at 70A

I have a Multiplus II 48/5000/70 connected to a 15kHw 280Ah 52V LiFePo4-Battery with JK-BMS and CerboGX.

I can't get full charge rate at 70A from AC-in - maximum battery charge current seems to be limited somewhere to 50A.
BMS charge limit set to 90A, at MultiPlus II using VE config - charge 70A, at DVCC to 70A - but charging does not exceed 50А :(

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5 Answers
derrick thomas avatar image
derrick thomas answered ·

Is 'weak ac' disabled?

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oles avatar image oles commented ·
yes, disabled. AC-in when is avaible - 50GHz 230V, not from generator
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nickdb avatar image
nickdb answered ·

Did you change the inverter charge limit defaults in veconfigure?

What CCL is the battery sending?

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oles avatar image oles commented ·

ССL while charged at 50А shows 25A >:-\

Currently 12.5A

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oles avatar image
oles answered ·

I hope that I founded whereis the problem - Remote VEConfigure for Cerbo (for Multiplus II) - says that it stored remote config but realy not.

Download config again shows that nothing changed.

Storing config file localy and after upload to Multiplus seems to help. When mains will be off I will see the rezult.

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Duivert NL avatar image Duivert NL commented ·
Hi yes ve configure stores the settings but in the file, not directly in the online multiplus

you need to load to the multiplus in vrm, it doenst do that automatic
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oles avatar image
oles answered ·

VE config file with 70A uploaded. Everywhere could not be changed to 70A changed, but still does not charge more than 51-52А :(
Who provides the data as CCL? BMS ?
But in BMS max charge current is 90A

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Duivert NL avatar image Duivert NL commented ·
the battery BMS controls the CCL, the higher the SOC the lower the CCL, so its not a fixed value
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oles avatar image
oles answered ·

It looks like the BMS is sending CCL data to the Victron as to how many amps it should be charging. When I turned off DVCC, the charge current increased to 63A
Now the problem is where in the JK BMS settings I can change these data for the DVCC ?
The situation with energy in Ukraine is such that it is necessary to charge as quickly as possible, as soon as power appears and not to look at the SOC

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derrick thomas avatar image derrick thomas commented ·
If you are using louisvdw dbus-serialbattery driver then refer to the docs on the GitHub for instructions on how to change the driver configuration. I do believe the default parameter is 50 amps.
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