
ejm avatar image
ejm asked

not charging from generator/shore power

not charging or accepting any power from my generator/shore power.

MultiPlus Quattro Inverter Charger
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3 Answers
derrick thomas avatar image
derrick thomas answered ·

Need more details. What inverter/charger? Is there a cerbo in the mix? What type of installation? (I assume mobile since you mention shore?) Do you have a mk3 available?

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ejm avatar image ejm commented ·

I have Quattro 5000 Watt 48 Volt Inverter. When it is cloudy I turn my generator on and it charges the battery bank and helps run the AC as it is charging. I turned it on and for some reason it showed no power on the GTX. I have power coming in, but the invertor is not accepting it It would always work, not sure what happen.

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derrick thomas avatar image
derrick thomas answered ·

If you have an mk3 you can use victron connect or ve.configure to see why the generator power is being rejected.

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hennie-mouton avatar image hennie-mouton commented ·
How/where do you check the reason? I have the same, but no alarm- or event- log.
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derrick thomas avatar image derrick thomas hennie-mouton commented ·
Actually I can't recall for sure if victron connect will show the reason for rejection of AC input, but I know ve.configure does. Connect to the multi and open ve.configure. when ac input is available but being rejected it will give you the reason.
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ejm avatar image
ejm answered ·

Ok, i will check the settings when I go back next weekend.

Other then settings do you think it could be anything else?

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Alexandra avatar image Alexandra ♦ commented ·

If you have a gx and the system is connected to the internet you can check remotely.

Check is AC ignore or virtual switch is configured (with an mk3 if on site).

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ejm avatar image ejm Alexandra ♦ commented ·
i wish, still working on the internet. satellite is way too expensive.
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