
rstarr avatar image
rstarr asked

Multiplus with Cerbo switches itself from charge only to inverter only

Today I installed the Touch 50 display and a temperature sensor for the BMV-712. The system started back up and ran fine for 2.5 hours and then all of a sudden it switched itself to inverter only. I shut it down, re-booted the Cerbo and changed it back to charge only. Initially I had the air conditioning running and it almost instantly switched back to inverter only, of course overloading before I could switch off the air conditioning. I've tested this without the AC and it will not switch right away but after 20 minutes or so it will switch again.

I can't seem to figure out what has happened. I've been using this setup for a couple years now switching the inverter status through the VRM portal with no issues.

I don't have any virtual switches setup.

Multiplus 12/2000/80-50 120v - v433

BMV-712 - v4.16

MPPT 100/50 - v1.64

Cerbo GX - v.3.33

system status on cerbo gx
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rstarr avatar image rstarr commented ·
Just to update...

I shut off the air conditioner and left it in charger only mode overnight while watching the status. I was thinking maybe it had something to do with me setting the charge only mode from the RV/Boat interface screen on the display. When you do this it displays a little "edit" icon in the box. If I set it through VRM or in the actual menu area of the Multiplus the "edit" icon is not displayed.

It operated all night with no issues and I felt that maybe there was some glitch there but then while I was programing a new tank sensor from the display the inverter shutdown completely. It displayed "OFF" on the main screen. After about 30 seconds it started up in inverter mode.

I'm really at a loss here, why would this default back to inverter even after a loss of power?

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rstarr avatar image rstarr commented ·

It ran all evening and then at 1:57 this morning cut off, but this time just stayed in an "off" position. I turned it back on at about 4:45 this time disconnecting the Touch 50. That is the only thing I can see that is different in the setup although I really can't see how the touch screen would impact this. Again, I've not had any issues prior to this, and I will say the Touch 50 has been glitchy. It locked up several times and will periodically bounce around to different display screens. I've had to reboot the Cerbo through the VRM portal several times.




Here is a shot from the last 7 days. Up to the red mark at the bottom the system had been operating basically in float. Just prior to that point I took it down to install the Touch 50 and also change out a fuse holder I'd been putting off for a while.


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2 Answers
derrick thomas avatar image
derrick thomas answered ·

Try updating the firmware of the multi

1 comment
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rstarr avatar image rstarr commented ·
I left that part out I did upgrade the firmware to the most current. I was hoping that that would be my issue, but I had the same failure at 2:00 this morning.
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derrick thomas avatar image
derrick thomas answered ·

Try disconnecting the Vebus to isolate the multi from the rest of the system. This will help narrow down if it is an issue with the multi or another part of the system. May even be a faulty network cable.

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rstarr avatar image rstarr commented ·

Thanks for the feedback. This morning, I disconnected the display since that was the most recent change before the issues started. As of now it has been running in charge only mode for 14 hours with no issues. This would be the longest period without failure since it first started Saturday. If the issue occurs again, I will try isolating the Multi from the Cerbo as you suggested.


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Justin Cook avatar image Justin Cook ♦♦ rstarr commented ·
Since the addition of the display is the latest change, I'll ask: is the display connected directly to the Cerbo's HDMI port, or do you have it connected through an HDMI extension cable; and, did you install the two ferrite beads on the display's HDMI cable at the proscribed areas? I've certainly seen some odd behavior in units where either an HDMI extension was used and/or the ferrite beads were not installed, so while your reported behavior would certainly be more odd than I'd anticipate seeing, it seemed worth asking.
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