
karkas avatar image
karkas asked

SOLVED! MPPT 150/35 rev3 stopped working

Update 21.06.24 - 12:47
Problem reoccured, see Comment. Please help

I have a Victron system with two MPPTs, 250/100 rev2 (doing fine) and a MPPT 150/35 rev3 that stopped working 2 days before. I did not change anything and it is still connected to the cerbro, i Can see it in vrm and the victron app, but it does not deliver any input to the not charged battery. There is enough sunlight.


277 is the 150/35

mppt is the 250/100


There was rainy days, but today is bright sunlight and mppt is not working. Already switched it off by pulling fuses and it switched completly off and rebooted. Rebooted VenusOS, too.

Nothing helped. Does anyone have an idea?

MPPT Controllers
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8 Answers
karkas avatar image
karkas answered ·

Problem Solved:

disassembled the whole device and found a faulty cable connection from MPPT to the DC Distribution. Everything is working fine again.

@Victron why does this produce not a single error anywhere in a DVCC/BMS Enabled System?

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nickdb avatar image nickdb ♦♦ commented ·

Being able to check DC connectivity is extremely basic, and is easily done with a meter.

It really isn't up to victron to engineer the system around such a lack of troubleshooting skills.

0A and 0W is pretty self-explanatory, the first things you would be checking is the DC bus since there is PV voltage.

The MPPT does not know there isn't a battery connection. It is doing what it is supposed to do by generating no power.

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karkas avatar image karkas nickdb ♦♦ commented ·

I´m sorry but this is just not true. As I already said, in a BMS/DVCC enabled System there should never be a Power voltage significantly higher than the reported one. Plus, if one MPPT is working fine and the other one can not deliver its power anywhere, why shouldnt this at least throw a warning Message. There are Tons of error/Warnings less significant that bother me a lot

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karkas avatar image
karkas answered ·

Hole system overview looks like this:

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karkas avatar image
karkas answered ·

For the record, the Problem could be fixed by HARD resetting the Cerbro via pulling power wires. I soft rebooted it via Gui a few hours ago but that did not fix the problem

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jetlag avatar image jetlag commented ·
I had some other issues with my system the last days, and also only a hard power-on reset helped out. A triggered soft restart did not help... so yes, sometime it has to be done the hard way. ;-)
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kevgermany avatar image
kevgermany answered ·

It would be worth checking the battery settings of the two MPPTs. please post screenshots.

Also the much lower input PV voltage on mppt-277.

When the MPPT is not producing power, you can call up the reason in Victron Connect, there will be a question asking why it's not working. Click on this for an explanation.

I suspect that the bigger MPPT has raised the battery voltage above the float level of the smaller MPPT, so it thinks battery full. A hard reset of the Cerbo would clear this and both will kick in together.

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karkas avatar image karkas commented ·

I checked both MPPT settings in the VictronConnect app and they are in sync. But i did not find a way to "Ask why it is not working"


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karkas avatar image
karkas answered ·

The Problem is back. Please help.

@kevgermany since i have a BMS (Pylontec) in place i Did never care about battery settings. Since it is a 48V Pylontec Battery the 80V from the pannels are enough to charge the battery that is not full at the time of the screenshot below:


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kevgermany avatar image
kevgermany answered ·

What CCL is the Pylontech setting? You can find this on the advanced page under battery monitor.

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karkas avatar image karkas commented ·


Never actually looked into this settings

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karkas avatar image
karkas answered ·

I Think i found the reason why the mppt does not charge the battery:


For some reason the 150/35 measures or is told the wrong Battery Voltage. They are connected to the same DC Distribution so I don´t know why this value is wrong.

Can someone tell me how to fix that. A Hard Reset of the cerbo did not solve the Problem today

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nickdb avatar image nickdb ♦♦ commented ·
Have you actually checked this with a meter?
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karkas avatar image karkas nickdb ♦♦ commented ·
Interesting... the 150/35 outputs 54-55V while the 250/100 outputs 49-51 depending on the battery SOC

How can this happen with a BMS enabled system.... Double checked the VictronConnect MPPT Settings and they are all correct for the pylontec and it sais "BMS Enabled"

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karkas avatar image
karkas answered ·

Allright, that can not be the reason either, today the voltage is correct but the one does not produce power


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