
bwebsterjr avatar image
bwebsterjr asked

Corrosion in 500 A Shunt

In spring 2023 I purchased the Victron Energy BMV-712 Smart Battery Monitor. It worked great until this winter when we were in the Bahamas. I finally got to analyzing the situation this month and discovered significant correction on the shunt. I wonder if the issue is the aluminum leads on my battery cables attached to the shunt. Please advise. Thank you. Bill Webstercorrosion.jpg

BMV Battery Monitor
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1 Answer
Alexandra avatar image
Alexandra answered ·


Off Gassing from a lead acid battery will do that. In a short time maybe battery overcharging?

The shunt is the least of the issues. The cable lugs have definitely has taken a hammering.

I can also day since you mention Bahamas if that is a boat .... salt air and condensation from such. (Very corrosive stuff salty air).

Tinned lugs, glue lined heat shrink and the special grease for marine electrics would be something to look at for the repair.

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