
frank007 avatar image
frank007 asked

Use larger mppt than need for now

I have question, everywhere I was looking for answer is only when somebody want to oversize MPPT, but are there any disadvantiges when I want to use mppt 250/100 for only 4 panels in one string? Thing is, I will add more panels to this MPPT later and dont want to buy one small MPPT and then buy new larger MPPT. So that is why I want to use this MPPT instead of something else)

This is for 48V battery configuration.

(victron mppt calculator is showing me this in picture attached, this is result of using 4 panels and it is ofc undersized..)

Thank you for answer.


MPPT Controllers
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Fideri avatar image Fideri commented ·

How is what the calculator is showing you different from what you want to buy?

But as @nickdb says, I don't see the problem with buying a larger charger. At worst, it will simply put out less power.

There are even bigger MPPTS, if appropriate.


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frank007 avatar image frank007 Fideri commented ·
@Fideri nothing is different, but calculator shows it is undersized for only 30% and I was curious if this is something bad for MPPT controller. Thanks
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1 Answer
nickdb avatar image
nickdb answered ·

Nothing wrong with a large MPPT on a small string. As long as the PV can meet the minimum start voltage of ~6V above the battery voltage (applies to all MPPT's) then it will work fine.

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frank007 avatar image frank007 commented ·

@nickdb thank you very much for answer :)

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