
yrys avatar image
yrys asked

How do you stop Quattro from charging?

Turned it off in ve configure but it keeps charging

chargerquattro 10kva
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Matthias Lange - DE avatar image Matthias Lange - DE ♦ commented ·
We need more details about your system.

Components? Wiring? Configuration?

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yrys avatar image yrys Matthias Lange - DE ♦ commented ·
Hi thank you. Quattro 10kva. 4x4 12v 100a batt. 48v system. Blusolar cc. AC 1 wired to grid. I unchecked enable charger in ve configure but it still charges battery through AC 1, albeit with a small current.
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1 Answer
yrys avatar image
yrys answered ·

Any ideas why the Quattro keeps charging the batteries with grid power even though charging is switched off via ve configure? Batteries are lifepo4 with a vebus BMS. Only the BMS assistant is installed .

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