
nsr1357 avatar image
nsr1357 asked

ip65 and battleborn 12volt 100aH


am charging a standalone battleborn battery (not in any system and connected to anything but the charger) with an IP65. custom setting is for float at 13.6, yet it is reading 14.37 and for hours, sitting at that voltage (0 amps).

what would cause this and what do I need to do about it, pse?

thank you

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nsr1357 avatar image nsr1357 commented ·
ps i unplugged the ip65, plugged it back in after all lights went out, it went back to absorbtion voltage of 14.41 at 0 amps, and is varying one to two tenths of a volt while sitting there.

i don't yet know what float voltage it will settle on.

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Alexandra avatar image Alexandra ♦ nsr1357 commented ·

What setting are you using? Just the default?

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nsr1357 avatar image nsr1357 Alexandra ♦ commented ·
thank you

using battleborn suggested settings.

absorb at 14.4 and float (and storage) at 13.6

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nsr1357 avatar image nsr1357 nsr1357 commented ·
ps curent max was bluetooth set at 4 amps (not sure how or why) but I changed it to 15 amps, which is the charger max
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nsr1357 avatar image nsr1357 nsr1357 commented ·
and after the change I went back into a charge cycle and it got to "absorb" for more than a few minutes and at that point, as I need some sleep, I unplugged it intending to retry it all later today.
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1 Answer
hansmatt avatar image
hansmatt answered ·

I have same battery, and charging is very slow when plugged into shore power, I changed to 15a and took way longer...wonder if the BMS limits and is causing your issue?

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