
harlov avatar image
harlov asked

VEConfig "stop charger below" setting based on battery negative or ambient?

In VEConfig, there is the "temperature compensation" setting for lead acid and "stop charger below" setting when "lithium batteries" setting is enabled.

Now the MPII manual states that:

4.5.6. For temperature-compensated charging, the temperature sensor (supplied with the inverter/charger) can be connected. The sensor is isolated and must be fitted to the negative terminal of the battery."

As this states "temperature compensation" i can safely assume this is meant when using "temperature compensation" setting with the ASS000001000 Temperature Sensor.

However, there is no mention of whether the same needs to be done for the "stop charger below" setting. Am i correct in assuming that this should not be connected to the battery negative and that "stop charger below" temperature value is based on ambient? Ie the lug side of the ASS000001000 Temperature Sensor not connected to anything?


VEConfigure 3
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2 Answers
harlov avatar image
harlov answered ·

Any answers on this?

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Alex Pescaru avatar image
Alex Pescaru answered ·

Your assumption is correct.

If you don't have any other place to put that sensor, then put it as close to the battery and assume ambient.

In the case of lithium batteries, that temperature is the temperature of the cells/pack.

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