
spersky123 avatar image
spersky123 asked

Help Victron ORI121217040 Orion XS Smart Float mode after 10-15 seconds

The Epoch Battery 460Ah is only at 55% and has a voltage or 13.2. Using ignition charger.

Starts in Bulk charging mode and works well then after about 10-15 seconds goes into float mode.

orion xs
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spersky123 avatar image spersky123 commented ·

Here are some screen shots of my settings and the float screen and the battery app values. It should not be going into float mode at all.


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1 Answer
niels-mobers avatar image
niels-mobers answered ·

Can you add a screenshot of the trend from the output voltage and current made with VictronConnect?

It shows what the charger sees, maybe that explains what happens.


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