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val72 asked

dynamic ESS and zero feed-in issue when PV Meter negative power

i activated dynamic ESS (for testing) with flat tarif and solar to grid vorbidden. So i get the prognosis for SOC. But if it is activated i see every night, the cerbo is taking some energy from grid, while the SOC is stimm high (should take it from battery). So with dynamic ESS the gridmeter is not stromngly hold to zero with battery energy, but some energy from grid. If dynamic ESS is disabled, all is fine and no energy from grid, but all from battery until battery low.

I am supposing, the calculation is taking the numbers of PV meter in false way. The PV meter is measuring a gardenhouse with PV on top, so it shows some negative "production" at night from pool pump and so on. Exactly this numbers are taken from grid at night and not from battery! i can follow it on the history data.

Without dynamic ESS is every thing fine and zero grid all over the night!

Is there any solution, to solve this?

dynamic ess
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