
calvin avatar image
calvin asked

Trickle charge 12v battery PWM setting

Hi all I have a 20w solar panel connected to my Blue Solar PWM light 30A to 12V battery. What is the best setting for load output for trickle charging the battery? Is it bad to do load output controlled by battery voltage or should I set it to dusk to dawn or a particular number of hours after sunset? At the moment, it is set to debug mode.

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2 Answers
ripper avatar image
ripper answered ·

Do you even have a load on there? If not it doesn't matter what the load output is set to. The pwm light can' t be adjusted otherwise, it just does its charging thing with its presets.

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calvin avatar image calvin commented ·

Thanks ripper. The battery is wired in a camper trailer so thought there may be a draw from all the things it’s connected to (but not turned on). Good to know I don’t have to worry about the charger settings.

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ripper avatar image
ripper answered ·

As a failsafe I would go 12,3 V ish off and the highest there is for on in case you forgot a light or something, not to drain and destroy the battery.

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calvin avatar image calvin commented ·

Thanks ripper that’s very helpful.

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