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meltemicaz asked

Skylla Integration options with MP II, and Cerbo GX, and REC-BMS network?

Is it possible to integrate a Skylla-i charger (with the Skylla charger control panel) into my network that includes, MultiPlus II, Cerbo GX, REC-BMS, and WakeSpeed WS500 devices?

Can I plug the Skylla into the daisy chain of the MultiPlus-II VE.Bus ports OR directly into one of the ports on the Cerbo GX?

Background: My boat is an Oyster with a 230v 50Hz electrical system. I've added a Skylla-i charger to my boat electrical system to be able to charge my batteries from shore power when docked in the U.S. with 60Hz power. I am using a 3 X MultiPlus-II 230V 24/5000/120-50 in parallel, connected to a Cerbo GX network, that includes a WakeSpeed WS500, and a 9M REC-BMS. All of the equipment described above is currently working well together. The Skylla has a Can bus connection.

I do not think this table is complete or even correct, but am getting lost in the different protocol names and capabilities. I am new at this... :-)


Cerbo GX network protocols support.xlsx

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Related Resources

Skylla-IP65 product page (12v, 24v)

Skylla-i product page (24v)

Skylla-TG Charger product page (24v, 48v)

Skylla-TG GMDSS product page (24v)

Additional resources still need to be added for this topic