
josmeijer avatar image
josmeijer asked

Can't turn on Dynamic ESS

2wayon.jpgI filled in all the fields of dynamic ESS setup and it concluded with the message that I can use it now.

But a while later a popup stated that I can't turn it on as 2-way connection is turned off. But that is on.

The slider shows "on" now in the "settings" "Dynamic ESS" tab but in remote panel there is no sign of Dynamic ESS.

further I can't turn the thing off, as an attempt to move the slider back immediately invokes the "no 2 way communitation" popup.

dynamic ess
no2way.jpg (113.3 KiB)
2wayon.jpg (39.5 KiB)
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1 Answer
josmeijer avatar image
josmeijer answered ·

Na diepgaand onderzoek is gebleken dat de Serialbattery driver <GitHub - Louisvdw/dbus-serialbattery: Battery Monitor driver for serial battery in VenusOS GX systems> de laatste druppel was die de toch al tamelijk volle emmer van de CCGX processor deed overlopen.

Ik gebruik deze driver omdat de ondersteuning van Daly BMS via de CAN-bus in theorie zou moeten werken maar in mijn praktijk helaas niet.

Door het toevoegen van POLLING_INTERVAL = 2 ( default is 1 seconde) aan config.ini wordt de processorbelasting zodanig verlicht dat e.e.a. alweer enige dagen zonder zichtbare problemen werkt.

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