
billknny avatar image
billknny asked

Can not update Venus-signalK -plugin

Running 3.32 LARGE on Cerbo. The SignalK server reports that an update for signalk-venus-plugin v1.34.1 (2024-05-25) to 1.37 is available. The update appears to install. After it is complete, and after a restart, the version is still 1.34 and the update is still listed as available.

I have tried deleting /data/conf/signalk for what I hope to be a clean install, and no change. Any ideas?

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1 Answer
nickdb avatar image
nickdb answered ·

AIUI the versions are only updated with venus OS updates, its not done separately.

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billknny avatar image billknny commented ·
Ah! I know that was true of the server itself, but did not know it also applied to the Venus specific plugins.
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