
cryztalc avatar image
cryztalc asked

I have 6-100 watt panels by Renogy

I also have a Victron Solar Controller 50/100. The Voc is 24.3 on each of the 6 100 watt panels. Can my Controller handle all 6? My bank is a 12v and I plan to use series as a setup.

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1 Answer
Justin Cook avatar image
Justin Cook answered ·

All 6 in series would be way over the controller's 100v input limit - do not do that. You can put them in 3s2p configuration.

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cryztalc avatar image cryztalc commented ·
Okay so I have three in series. They are pulling approximately 66.7 volts at the moment. However I'm not sure what size of fuse I should use on the parallels.
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cryztalc avatar image cryztalc cryztalc commented ·
The reason why it took me a few days for is because I had everything plugged up and thought it was working properly but couldn't figure it out. Are multimeter wasn't working so we had to replace that. We tested all of the connections and found the problem lied between the solar panels and the control. So now that we started that out we do have power coming in but not very much. Which is why I wanted to add the parallels but since I'm new at this and I don't want to do anything wrong I'm asking.
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