
Dean Cooper avatar image
Dean Cooper asked

Request for comments on wiring diagram

This is a bunch of components that I've already got except for the DC-DC charger.
Looking to rewire things to the following configuration.

Input welcome. I'm sure it can use some help...


wiring diagram
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kevgermany avatar image kevgermany ♦♦ commented ·

Shunt should be closer to battery. I.e. Orion neg should be on the other side of the shunt.

Do you really want to push 80A through a 50A max charger?probably wants to be on the battery side of the Orion.

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Dean Cooper avatar image Dean Cooper kevgermany ♦♦ commented ·
Agreed, I'll move that shunt. Currently installed directly off battery, probably won't change that.

The 80 amp vs 50 amp is a good question... If I understand correctly, the 50 amp is for output, the amount of power available for charging can be higher. The DC-Dc charger shouldn't pull more than it can use.

Thoughts? Thanks for the comment!

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kevgermany avatar image kevgermany ♦♦ Dean Cooper commented ·
50A is the total output.
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