
richard-1 avatar image
richard-1 asked

Generator input

can I force 100% of generator power to a Muliplus to go to charging the battery i.e. have nothing going to the house.

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Arne Parneby avatar image Arne Parneby commented ·

Turn the physical or virtual switch to "charge only"

That will turn off the power to the house

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Kevin Windrem avatar image Kevin Windrem Arne Parneby commented ·
Charger only mode does not turn off pass-thru. The AC loads will still be powered.

I think kevgermany is correct that easiest way to do that is to turn off the breaker at the output of the Multi.

It may be possible to use AC 2 out as the main output. It has a relay in its path and there is some control over this in configuration. A quick look suggests the programmable relay assistant can look at one of the Multi's aux or temp sensor inputs and control AC 2 output relay based on that. Then you'd need to come up with a signal to drive the Multi's aux input.

The AC 2 output may have less current capacity than the main out so check the specs.

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Arne Parneby avatar image Arne Parneby Kevin Windrem commented ·
Thanks for the clarification Kevin, as I run an off-grid installation I was not aware of that
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2 Answers
kevgermany avatar image
kevgermany answered ·

Turn off all the breakers going to house.

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richard-1 avatar image
richard-1 answered ·

Thanks everyone. I am trying to replace my generator with the EV V2L facility. However, my EV V2L gets shutdown by the Multi because “You can’t plug a V2L car directly into an Australian switchboard if there’s an earth leakage safety feature in the EV’s V2L output. The car’s safety mechanism interprets the home’s Multiple Earth Neutral (MEN link) connection as a hard earth fault preventing the system from operating.”.

I thought that if I stop the generator port from trying to power the house and just limit its power to charge only, I might be able to fool the Multi into ignoring the V2L 'safety' feature.

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