
david-kinnes avatar image
david-kinnes asked

EV Charger periodically vanishes from Cerbo GX display

My Cerbo GX display removes the EV charger periodically but often enough for me to screenshot it and be annoying. Does anyone know how to get this to stabilise?


cerbo gxevcs
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jpetrell avatar image jpetrell commented ·

If you go to Settings > Debug > Values what info does the evcharger item contain? Or if you know how log-in to the GX device using ssh could you run dbus-spy and check if there is com.victronenergy.evcharger.* device listed there and if yes what values does it have?

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GUI V2 is still in beta, so are you sure this is not a GUI bug?

Can you still see it in device list? While it is not visible on the dashboard, is the EVCS webpage still accessible?

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david-kinnes avatar image david-kinnes commented ·

I got the following while looking at the EV Charger site so there is something up/down with the coms between the Cerbo GX and the EVCS.

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