
paul-goransson avatar image
paul-goransson asked

Orion XS cable terminal size

I recently bought an orion XS dc-dc converter to install with a lithium battery. It is being connected at the housebank of a sailboat. Currently from the engine to the housebank I have a 32mm2 cable (estimate about 6m from the engine in total, about 2m to the starter battery and the rest to the housebank).
The Orion XS is from what I can tell only equipped with a terminal for ~21mm2 cable (AWG4), a size I've never seen in Sweden, so what I'm wondering what the best way to attach this is? Is it either trim existing cable to fit or put a small busbar where the 32mm2 goes into a 16mm2 for 20cm or so. It is only really an issue for the positive cable since the negative goes to a common negative busbar

orion xs
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1 Answer
kevgermany avatar image
kevgermany answered ·

Drop the size using a short cable and two pole busbar.

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