
shikanai avatar image
shikanai asked

Output Voltage of Multiplus 24/3000/70

I am currently using Multiplus 24/3000/70.

I would like to ask about the output voltage.

Looking at the specifications table, I think the output voltage of Multiplus 24/3000/70 is as follows

Output voltage: 230 VAC ± 2 %.

However, my country is Japan, so to use it for household electricity,

I need to convert it to 200 V/100 V with a single-phase 3-wire system.

Is it possible to change the output voltage of Multiplus 24/3000/70 to 200V or so?

Is it possible to change the output voltage to about 200V?

Does it convert automatically or is there some setting that needs to be manipulated?

If not, is it safe to assume that 230V must be transformed to 200V by applying a transformer to be usable (risky)?

MultiPlus Quattro Inverter Charger
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1 Answer
Michelle Konzack avatar image
Michelle Konzack answered ·

You can reduce the output Voltage with the Software VE Configure.

Currently I do not know, how low you can get, but it is at least 210V

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Fideri avatar image Fideri commented ·
On the inverter tab to be specific. But on my demo, you can only go as far down as 210v.
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shikanai avatar image shikanai commented ·

According to Japanese law, the 200V system allows a ±10% range, meaning 180V to 220V is acceptable. Therefore, if the software can indeed lower it to 210V, it should be usable. Thank you very much.

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