
sharbich avatar image
sharbich asked

Setting up VLAN


i want to set up a VLAN on my Raspberry PI 3B in Venos OS. How can I install the VLAN driver?

Greetings from Stefan Harbich

Raspberry Pi
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3 Answers
nickdb avatar image
nickdb answered ·

What specifically are you wanting to do? For devices like this you would usually just manage the tagging on the switch port.

Venus OS is not the easiest to modify, particularly its networking.

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sharbich avatar image
sharbich answered ·

Since my hardware only has one LAN port and I want to manage it from a different network, the operating system must support VLAN tagging. Can I build Venos OS myself? Is there a git where I can add packages myself using make menuconfig? Greetings from Stefan Harbich

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nickdb avatar image nickdb ♦♦ commented ·
It is not built to support multiple interfaces on different networks, doubt this is something you will get right.

You might be better off setting up a VPN.

Why not access it from VRM and the remote console?

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Kevin Windrem avatar image
Kevin Windrem answered ·

tailscale is a VPN like mechanism that can run on Venus OS. My TailscaleGX package allows configuration and control from the GX device's menu.

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