
Anders avatar image
Anders asked

The Dynamic world of VRM API

I like Node Red and the access VRM API gives to useful data. A small challenge is that the data "move a bit around" as changes to the underlying systems are done - This of course we must accept.

I would be nice if some kind of changelog could be made available for us.

Today my MPPT displayed a strange State that needed my attention ;-)


Today it looks like "Charge State" Record 208 somehow have got id: 209 (maybe a "bug"?)


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4 Answers
Anders avatar image
Anders answered ·

Maybe this shift applies to all elements


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nickdb avatar image
nickdb answered ·

Why don't you pull the data you need from the local nodes instead of over the API?

Or, is your node red instance remote?

Node red run locally on the GX is also accessible from VRM remotely.

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Anders avatar image
Anders answered ·

Not all data is available on the local node. In this example however I have two different installations running and they exchange data. The source is not running Node Red, it's an old CCGX without that capability.

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nickdb avatar image nickdb ♦♦ commented ·
Understood. Just FYI, the custom node makes pretty much all data (apart from forecasts and some VRM specific stuff) available.
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Anders avatar image Anders nickdb ♦♦ commented ·

I am aware - But if you want to pull data from VRM from a Node Red not running on a Venus OS at the installation then you have to use VRM API solution or the Modbus option.

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Anders avatar image
Anders answered ·

The issue now however is that it looks like the record number and the ID number of this API data got disconnected - Any Victron Staff here commenting on this?

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