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intoelectro asked

Random failed starts when networked with smart shut

(2) 100/50 controllers networked with smart shunt. Works fine for days/weeks then 1 controller fails to start causing me to lose solar production entire day on that array unless I am there to catch it. This doesn't occur when it isn't networked. Same thing used to happen on my other (3) thirty amp controllers until the 2 offending controllers were replaced. Knock on wood still functioning.

Luckily both these 100/50 controllers were replaced under warranty, because 1 started acting up was replaced then other acted up shortly after. I got a month no issues now 1 unit is randomly not starting. While I appreciate warranty this is huge hassel. For me it will be total of 5 units if I pursue this current issue. I have taken them out of network for now and they both function fine but battery bank does not have low temperature protect for me that was purpose of shunt.

MPPT Controllers
2 |3000

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