
f2011b avatar image
f2011b asked

Multiplus II VeConfig leading to pumping Charge Vs VictronConnect config doing fine

I have a Multiplus-II 48V-3000VA-35Amp connected to a pylontech battery system.
It is not connected to the grid and works as a island.
I have Phoenix 2000VA 24V connected to the AC-In of the Multiplus II,
I wanted to configure the Multiplus to accept a grid-tied inverter connected over AC-Out.
To make that work i had to configure the system with VeConfig and add the PV-Inverter Assistant.
However i saved my original basic config which works as expected with the Phoenix as generator and was created with VictronConnect.
After tinkering around with different VeConfig settings, I always encountered that the AC-In was not utilized as expected. It lead to fluctuating charging power.
After resetting the Multiplus with the VictronConnect to my working settings I realized no problems in the charging power pattern and it worked as expected again.
My last experiment was done by loading the setting down to the VeConfig from the working system configured with VictronConnect and the only thing i changed was to disable the virtual switch upload that config to the Multiplus, than switched back the virtual switch settings and upload that config again to the Multiplus II. After that modification the loading pattern of the power provided over AC-IN was fluctuating again and cannot be considered healthy and efficient.
Therefore I wonder what are the differences between the different configuration software programs?
Has anybody encountered something similar?

Please feel free to ask questions in case my description of the problem was not clear enough.
Thank you very much in advance.

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2 Answers
Michelle Konzack avatar image
Michelle Konzack answered ·

Did you disable in the MultiPlus-II the Grid-Feed-In?

If not, then have problems with the Phoenix because you can not feed back to the Phoenix.

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f2011b avatar image f2011b commented ·
Indeed i disabled the Grid-Feed-In.

No PV-Inverter assitant was used,
I reset the Multiplus to a clean condition using the VictronConnect to set the configuration.
The only thing i changed after reading the config into the VeConfig was disable the Virtual Switch and then enable it again.
This lead to a unsteady charging behaviour as described.
Therefore it seems the VeConfig does something different than the VictronConnect.

Btw. Thank you very much for reading and responding to my problem!
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Alexandra avatar image
Alexandra answered ·

The difference is one has the ability to program the PV inverter assistant and the other does not.

Resetting removed the assistant.

Virtual switch (conditional AC connect) is easier to set up with Victron Connect.

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f2011b avatar image f2011b commented ·

Thank you very much for caring about my problem.
I hope the answer to Michelles respond helps to explain what i have done.
I would like to have a explanation what has to be set in the VeConfig to limit AC current from AC in and enable a smooth ramp up of the AC current to ensure no overload happens to the Phoenix Inverter.

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Alexandra avatar image Alexandra ♦ f2011b commented ·

Dynamic current limiter and possibly weak ac and lom detection. Treat it like a generator.

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